31 Day Bible Reading Challenge

The best investment you could ever make with the most profitable returns will be the time you take each day to be alone and communicate with God. This time will not only give you a godly outlook on each day but on your entire life and on those people and circumstances around you. You must work at having a consistent time alone with God each day. It will not just happen. Make it a priority in your schedule. What could be more important than spending time with the One who created you & loves you more than anyone else? Choose a time and location where you will not be distracted and don’t get discouraged if you miss a day. Any amount of time in God’s Word is better than none! I challenge you to decide today and now to build this habit into your life and to protect it, for in your time alone with God lies the secret to your daily walk and relationship with Him

steps to reading the bible:

  1. “What does it say?”

    • Read the passage through a couple of times to discover what God is saying

  2. “What does it mean?”

    • Think through what God is telling you to understand the meaning of the passage

  3. “What do I do?”

    • Apply the word to your life by deciding what God wants to change or work in your life through the passage

  4. Prayer

    • Pray with your reading and throughout the day that you would live for God


  1. MATTHEW 7:24-27

  2. MARK 8:34-37

  3. JAMES 1:22-25

  4. JOHN 3:16-18

  5. ROMANS 3:23

  6. ISAIAH 53:6

  7. ROMANS 6:23

  8. HEBREWS 9:27

  9. ROMANS 5:8

  10. 1 PETER 3:18

  11. EPHESIANS 2:8-9

  12. TITUS 3:5

  13. JOHN 1:12

  14. REVELATION 3:20

  15. 1 JOHN 5:13

  16. JOHN 5:24

  17. 2 CORINTHIANS 5:17

  18. GALATIANS 2:20

  19. ROMANS 12:1-2

  20. JOHN 14:21

  21. 2 TIMOTHY 3:16-17

  22. JOSHUA 1:8

  23. JOHN 15:7

  24. PHILIPPIANS 4:6-7

  25. MATTHEW 18:20

  26. HEBREWS 10:24-25

  27. ROMANS 1:16

  28. MATTHEW 4:19-20

  29. MATTHEW 6:28-34

  30. PSALM 119:9-11

  31. JOHN 10:10


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The John Challenge